dějepis - The Triangular Trade

Jméno: | Kateřina Titěrová |
Škola: | ZŠ Miroslav |
Rok: | 2010 |
Metodické pokyny pro učitele
Předmět: | dějepis |
Název aktivity: | The Triangular Trade |
Jazyk: | AJ |
Jazyková úroveň: | A2 |
Doporučený ročník: | 8.třída |
Předpokládaná délka: | část vyučovací hodiny |
Cíle aktivity
Obsahové cíle
Students understand which products were traded among the three continents in 1600s and 1700s
Jazykové cíle
Students can use vocabulary related to things traded among the continents.
Students can express past events.
Kompetence občanské: žák chápe základní principy, na nichž spočívají zákony a společenské normy.
Kompetence sociální a personální: žák přispívá k diskusi v malé skupině i k debatě celé třídy, chápe potřebu efektivně spolupracovat s druhými při řešení daného úkolu, oceňuje zkušenosti druhých lidí, respektuje různá hlediska.
flashcards of traded products
Students understand which products were traded among the three continents in 1600s and 1700s
Jazykové cíle
Students can use vocabulary related to things traded among the continents.
Students can express past events.
Kompetence občanské: žák chápe základní principy, na nichž spočívají zákony a společenské normy.
Kompetence sociální a personální: žák přispívá k diskusi v malé skupině i k debatě celé třídy, chápe potřebu efektivně spolupracovat s druhými při řešení daného úkolu, oceňuje zkušenosti druhých lidí, respektuje různá hlediska.
flashcards of traded products

Pracovní postup aktivity
1. Cut the flashcards WS - words and pictures separately.
2. Let the students match the words and pictures in pairs or small groups; possibly SS can mingle, asking questions "Have you got .... ?" , then check.
3. Use a big blank map of the world and let SS label the continents. Draw arrows showing the trade among the continents.
4. Let SS guess which products were traded from or to which continent.
5. SS stick the picture flashcards on the blank map
6. SS produce sentences, e.g.: Europeans brought cotton, tobacco, sugar and coffee from America.
Použitá literatura, zdroje:
picture flashcards: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/?CTT=97
interactive link: http://www.eduplace.com/kids/socsci/books/applications/imaps/maps/g5s_u3/index.html
example of a map: http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/ushistory/triangulartrade.htm
Interactive wordsearch: http://www.historyonthenet.com/Slave_Trade/triangulartradewordsearch.htm
Interactive quiz: http://www.historyonthenet.com/Slave_Trade/triangulartradequickquiz.htm
Rady / tipy z praxe: SS can work together using one big blank map or in groups - in that case print for each group both worksheets (Trade flashcards, Triangular trade map)
2. Let the students match the words and pictures in pairs or small groups; possibly SS can mingle, asking questions "Have you got .... ?" , then check.
3. Use a big blank map of the world and let SS label the continents. Draw arrows showing the trade among the continents.
4. Let SS guess which products were traded from or to which continent.
5. SS stick the picture flashcards on the blank map
6. SS produce sentences, e.g.: Europeans brought cotton, tobacco, sugar and coffee from America.
Použitá literatura, zdroje:
picture flashcards: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/?CTT=97
interactive link: http://www.eduplace.com/kids/socsci/books/applications/imaps/maps/g5s_u3/index.html
example of a map: http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/articles/ushistory/triangulartrade.htm
Interactive wordsearch: http://www.historyonthenet.com/Slave_Trade/triangulartradewordsearch.htm
Interactive quiz: http://www.historyonthenet.com/Slave_Trade/triangulartradequickquiz.htm
Rady / tipy z praxe: SS can work together using one big blank map or in groups - in that case print for each group both worksheets (Trade flashcards, Triangular trade map)
Pracovní postup pro žáky
Předmět: | dějepis |
Název aktivity: | The Triangular Trade |
Jazyk: | AJ |
Instrukce žákům v cílovém jazyce:
1a. In pairs or groups of three match the words to the pictures.
1b. Mingle and find your pair, asking questions "Have you got .... ?"
2. Label the continents on the map.
3a. Tell us what the Europeans wanted from America and stick the pictures on the map.
3b. Tell us what the Africans wanted from other continents and stick the pictures on the map.
3c. Tell us what the Americans needed from Africa and stick the picture on the map.
4. Write at least three sentences about the products traded among the three continents in the 1600s and 1700s.
For more information look at:
Interactive wordsearch: http://www.historyonthenet.com/Slave_Trade/triangulartradewordsearch.htm
Interactive quiz: http://www.historyonthenet.com/Slave_Trade/triangulartradequickquiz.htm
1a. In pairs or groups of three match the words to the pictures.
1b. Mingle and find your pair, asking questions "Have you got .... ?"
2. Label the continents on the map.
3a. Tell us what the Europeans wanted from America and stick the pictures on the map.
3b. Tell us what the Africans wanted from other continents and stick the pictures on the map.
3c. Tell us what the Americans needed from Africa and stick the picture on the map.
4. Write at least three sentences about the products traded among the three continents in the 1600s and 1700s.
For more information look at:
Interactive wordsearch: http://www.historyonthenet.com/Slave_Trade/triangulartradewordsearch.htm
Interactive quiz: http://www.historyonthenet.com/Slave_Trade/triangulartradequickquiz.htm